In the early 1947’s the SA Hengel Unie was established with the members which include some coastal Unions and Suid Wes Africa Union. During 1948 was the Transvaalse Hengel Unie established and was affiliated with the SA Hengel Unie. At first, the participation between the unions at that stage was focussed on saltwater discipline. The clubs of the Transvaalse Hengel Unie took part in Freshwater competitions against one another. Most of the Provincial in land Angling Unions was established between 1951 and 1952. The coastal Unions was established before this period. At the yearly meeting of the SA Hengel Unie in 1957, the decision was made that the freshwater angling discipline may have its own National Championships with the host being the Transvaalse Hengel Unie.

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